@Version:V1, 2017-10-01
People:People are actual human beings, as opposed to the abstract construct of workers (用workers描述更加具體、精準,而不適用role,因為往往會有很多activity在process中,每個activity可能產出一些artifact,當中的工作切割會以workflow為主,因此可能會有很多個worker在不同的workflow裡面)
Project:The organizational element through which software development is managed. The outcome of a project is a released product.
Product:Artifacts that are created during the life of project, such as source code and documentation.
Process:A software engineering process is a definition of the complete set of activities needed to transformed user’s requirements into a product. A process is a template for creating projects.
1.My selected product:
Airbnb的跨語言工作系統“Design Language System”當中的一個tool named as React.Sketch. Reach.Sketch介紹
以往設計師與工程師的互動常常是,設計師設計一個介面、icon、圖案,然後工程師會用code把設計師的需求implement出來,但是,implement的成果往往出現很大的落差,甚至無法符合設計師的美感標準,通常最後設計出來的product與原先落差很大,在工程師與設計師中有很大鴻溝,因此Design Language System試著建立一個生態系統,建立很多設計的元素、icon,並且把設計的component 訂定相對映射的Libaray。
3.The Goal of Design Language System:
The aim we set for the DLS was to create a more beautiful and accessible design language. Our designs should be unified platforms that drive greater efficiency through well-defined and reusable components.
product engineers, designer.
5.React.Sketch 螢幕截圖
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